Author: Country expression Page 18

Her butt is two axe handles wide.

If [such and such happens] then it’s Katie bar the door.

She can burn water.

She could ruin a two-car funeral.

You might as well play Hob with the hoe-handle!

Ready with his hat and slow with his money

Makes my butt wanna grind corn!

You're diggin’ your own grave.

He learned to whisper in a sawmill.

If I tell you a duck can pull a truck, shut up an hook it up.

I'll knock you so hard you'll see tomorrow today.

As cold as a wet Christmas

He was so fat it was easier to go over top of him than around him.

Cathead biscuit

In high cotton

Wasn’t to no age.

It would be better to dress him than to feed him.

He’s livin' in high cotton.

Going ninety to nothin'

Crazy as a sack of bees.

You better get left because you ain't right.