Author: Country expression Page 19

Broke as a whore during lent.

Don’t care to.

I’m fair to middlin’.

He lost his hat, ass, and spats!

You need to get you some bidness!

Longer than a visit from my mother in law.

Prettier than a spotted heifer in a pansy patch!

He learned to whisper in a sawmill.

Her tongue is so long she could lick a skillet from the front porch.

Cathead biscuit

Don't get your knickers in a knot.

Tell a story

Bowed up like a Halloween cat

Scripted down

Fix your plate.

He just sits there like a bump on a log.

Full as a tick

Sober as a judge

He is just a hole in search of donut.

That man ain't got the decency to die.

He’s so tight you could shove a quarter up his ass and he’d grind it into a dime.