Author: Country expression Page 21

She came down the road like a Tennessee Walker.

Dumber than a road lizard

Like a two-forty trot

Colder than a well digger's ass

Built like a brick shithouse

He’s in a foggery.

An empty wagon makes the most noise.

It’s raining like pouring piss out of a boot.

If she gets to heaven she'll ask to see the upstairs.

Like a sow needs a sidesaddle

You’re like the dog that caught the car.

Took a heart burnin'

Pretty as you please

He could fall down walkin’ from the house to the barn.

Well, ain’t he just the tom-cat’s kitten?

Lay out of work or school

Sittin’ in the catbird seat

I feel like a lost ball in a high weed.

I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

I may have been born yesterday, but I stayed up all night.

I love you like a fat kid loves cake.