Author: Country expression Page 23

It’s like swimming through peanut butter.

The engine's runnin' but ain't nobody driving.

Lay out of work or school

Like a peach-orchard bull

Slow as an iron toad

She is pretty as a pumpkin and about half as smart.

Devil's beating his wife with a frying pan

I’ve got no dog in that fight.

He’s in a foggery.

That coffee's strong enough to float an iron spoon.

He lost his hat, ass, and spats!

Empty as a winter rain barrel.

I'll slap you nekkid and hide your clothes.

Faster than a knife fight in a phone booth.

If [such and such happens] then it’s gonna be too wet to plow.

Like a buzzard in a tree waiting for a mule to die

I didn’t just fall off a turnip truck.

He’s so tight you could shove a quarter up his ass and he’d grind it into a dime.

He ain’t a man to tie too.

Like a jackass in a tin stable

He fell ass over teakettle.