Author: Country expression Page 24

Talk the legs off a dead mule – or – talk the hind leg off a donkey

That’s smoother than a spanked baby’s butt

He ain't got no home trainin.

A face like a bee keepers apprentice

You plant a tater, you get a tater.

Narrow between the eyes.

Too mean for Jesus, too dumb for the Devil

Y'all stay the night. We don’t have extra beds, but I’m sure we can find a nail to hang you on.

Useful as a broken leg.

He looks like he got beat with a ugly stick.

It’s hotter than the hinges of Hell.

Skinny as a bean pole.

Sorry as a two dollar watch.

I would like to buy him for what he is worth and sell him for what he thinks he is worth.

If she were an inch taller she'd be round.

I already know I’m going to hell, I’m just paving the road.

He could talk a dog off a meat wagon.

Turn the truth

I don’t chew my cabbage twice!

Act like you’ve got some raisin.

Get a hump on