Author: Country expression Page 25

Like a buzzard in a tree waiting for a mule to die

He's busier than a cat with two tails.

Ready with his hat and slow with his money.

He’s in a foggery.

He don’t know daylight from dark.

Good Heavenly Days!

Busier than a cross eyed cranberry picker.

Have to piss like a Russian race horse.

Drier than lizard spit on a hot rock

Like an old hen with one chick

He thinks the sun come up just to hear him crow.

So dry he had the rattles

He could talk a dog off a meat wagon.

It's coming up a cloud.

They ate supper before they said grace.

That was back when Christ wore knee-britches.

That gal is gonna drop him like a hot rock.

Like a buzzard in a tree waiting for a mule to die

Piss on the fire and call in the dogs.

Righter en rain?

Does a snake have hips?