Author: Country expression Page 26

Stick with me and you'll be wearing silk underwear.

She’d make a freight train take a dirt road.

She could make a preacher cuss!

In the marble orchard.

Spread the table.

He’s playing possum.

Shaking like a dog shitting peach seeds.

He’s going to blow the gates of hell wide open when he goes.

Like a peach-orchard bull

I'll snatch you baldheaded.

I was born on a Friday, but not last Friday.

He has to sneak up on water fountain to get a drink.

You can hear her three fields off.

She’s so ugly she has to sneak up on a glass of water to get a drink.

Well I’ll be John Brown.

He’d skin a flea for the hide and tallow.

As easy as herding chickens/cats

It’s got tits or tires, you’re gonna have trouble with it.

I’ll show you where the bear sat in the buckwheat.

Thirty years one summer

Dead as 4 o’clock