Author: Country expression Page 3

Busier than a cross eyed cranberry picker.

Sleepier than a river coon

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, what a Merry Christmas we’d have.

You couldn't hit sand if you fell off a camel.

That’s how the cow ate the cabbage.

Rough as a cob

I swaney, Mama shoulda named me Grace.

Let’s put the chairs in the wagon.

Hotter than Satan’s housecat.

Not blessed with beauty…

A near man with a dollar.

Air up your car

Tighter than a new boot

He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.

Longer than a visit from my mother in law.

I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

Lower than a snake’s belly

Fall in for vittles.

Don’t pay it no never mind.

He ran like his feet were on fire and his ass was catchin'.

Good Heavenly Days!