Author: Country expression Page 31

He has more information than a Sears Roebuck catalog.

Tight as a tick

Busier than a one eyed cat watching three mice holes.

I don’t think we need to be subliminable [sic] about the differences between our views on prescription drugs.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

She’s so ugly her feet wouldn’t go to bed with her!

Well knock me down and steal muh teeth!

I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

Doesn’t know shit from Shinola

Bless your pea-pickin' heart.

She’s so stubborn she’d argue with a stop sign.

It’s raining so hard the animals are starting to pair up.

He ain't sawing logs, he's clearing brush.

Tighter than a new boot

He’s three limbs up a willa.

That size don't get no bigger.

Hotter than a two dollar pistol.

He’s busier than a one legged man in a butt kickin’ contest.

Hornier than a two pecker'd billy goat on a hill full of ninnies.

Boy howdy!

Got a face like a mile of unpaved road.

Longer than a visit from my mother in law.