Author: Country expression Page 32

I love you a bushel and a peck.

As full of wind as a corn-eating horse

He’s so mean a rattlesnake bit him five times and died.

He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.

I don’t think we need to be subliminable [sic] about the differences between our views on prescription drugs.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

Too mean for Jesus, too dumb for the Devil

I'll snatch you baldheaded.

You kin put your boots in the oven – but that don’t make ‘em biscuits.

He’s a good ol’ dog, but sometimes he sh*ts to close to the porch.

Useless as tits on a boar hog

Hotter than a two dollar pistol.

She’d scare a haint up a thorn tree.

Done done

Would you raise that winder down! I'm freezin' my tail off!

Meaner than a snake

Darn it, I tumped over my tea.

Who put a bee in her bonnet?

In high cotton

You need to get you some bidness!

The ox is in the ditch.

Go piss up a rope.