Author: Country expression Page 33

Ugly as home made sin on a Sunday.

He’s so ugly he has to slap himself to sleep.

Well, I swanny…

I feel like a dog's breakfast.

It's hotter than a ginger mill in Hell.

He could tear up a railroad track with a rubber hammer.

Air up your car

Braggin’ dog

He’s in a foggery.

That dog won't hunt.

I’m touching cotton.

If that boy was any smarter we’d have to water him every week.

Dumber than a stump

Does a snake have hips?

He’s so tight you could shove a quarter up his ass and he’d grind it into a dime.

He didn't get there on a paved road.

He’s as poor as Job’s turkey.

His family tree is a trunk.

He’s so skinny… looks like he swapped legs with a wasp and got cheated out of the stinger!

Treated him like a red-headed stepchild.

It’s hotter than the hinges of Hell.