Author: Country expression Page 36

… like a turd in the punchbowl

Broke out with money

You can’t blame a worm for not wanting to go fishing.

It’s raining like pouring piss out of a boot.

I wouldn't speak to her if I met her in hell and she was carrying a big lump of ice.

It’s hotter than a fritter!

Well, butter my biscuit.

Just because there is a rat in the barn doesn’t mean you need to burn it down.

He’s going to blow the gates of hell wide open when he goes.

He couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

Meaner than a stripe-ed snake

He fell ass over teakettle.

Tougher than a one-eared alley cat.

Proud as a dog with a hemstitched tail

I’m fixin’ to show you what a whuppin’ is all about!

Slow as Christmas

Faster than a knife fight in a phone booth.

He thinks the sun come up just to hear him crow.

Held his hind leg

No, it’s liquid sunshine.

Can of corn