Author: Country expression Page 36

Broke out with money

Every old crow thinks hers are the blackest.

He's as mad as a wet hen.

He's only got one oar in the water.

Uglier than the southbound end of a northbound donkey.

Can you carry me up to the picture show?

He bought a pig in a poke.

When Satan goes ice skatin’ in Hell.

Just because there is a rat in the barn doesn’t mean you need to burn it down.

Got off like a fat rat with cheese.

It’s as hot as blue blazes.

I’ll tie a knot in yer tail

Pore mouthin’

Built like a brick shithouse

So tight you can hear him squeak when he walks

He could fall down walkin’ from the house to the barn.

He wouldn't go to a funeral unless he could be the corpse.

He ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed!

He's dumber than a mud fence.

In the marble orchard.

Well tie me to a pig and role me in the mud!