Author: Country expression Page 37

Built like a brick shithouse

You could throw her in a river and skim ugly for two days.

The sun don't shine on the same dog's tail/behind all the time.

He’s so slippery he’d hold his own in a pond full of eels.

He’s three sheets in the wind.

Bank walker

Broke out with money

He’s dumber than a day old pig.

Give me some sugar.

He's got both feet in the trough.

Sober as a judge

He's tougher than a two dollar steak.

Lay out of work or school

He/She’s got teeth like a rake.

Took a heart burnin'

I’m on it like cheese on grits!

Like a calf in clover

He didn't get there on a paved road.

People in hell want ice water, but that don’t mean they get it.

I wouldn't speak to her if I met her in hell and she was carrying a big lump of ice.

Don’t split your britches