Author: Country expression Page 38

Don’t start choppin’ till you’ve treed the coon.

Like a live oak limb

I feel like the underside of a turnip green.

Have no axe to grind

Ain't I God's own fool?

It’s hotter than a goat’s ass in a pepper patch.

She is so ugly I would hire her to haunt a house.

If she gets to heaven she'll ask to see the upstairs.

He has more information than a Sears Roebuck catalog.

You couldn’t catch a catfish in a coffee cup.

Louder than two skeletons fighting on a tin roof.

He’s three limbs up a willa.

Farmin’ in the woods

Up shit creek without a paddle

That man ain't got the decency to die.

It come up a bad cloud.

He looked like Death sucking a sponge.

Wouldn’t say soo-ee if the pigs were eating him

Road Humps

To get clear water, go to the head of the branch.

When Satan goes ice skatin’ in Hell.