Author: Country expression Page 39

Broke out with money

Mend fences.

Sure as the vine twines 'round the stump, you are my darlin' sugar lump.

Get the short end of the stick

Livin’ high on the hawg.

I was born on a Friday, but not last Friday.

You could grow potatoes in those dirty ears.

We in the short rows.

He's nuttier than a squirrel shit.

Flat as a fritter.

About as useful as gooseshit on a pumphandle

Like two peas in a pod.

I'll hit you so hard your children will be born dizzy.

Count the people.

It was all still and Sunday-like.

If you need somebody to push you in the creek, just lemme know.

Dark as three feet up a bull’s ass

Like a rooster in an empty henhouse

Watch him; he'll slip a baby copperhead in your pocket, then ask you for a light.

I feel like a lost ball in a high weed.

Does a snake have hips?