Author: Country expression Page 4

You don’t know shit from apple butter!

Between you me and the gatepost…

It's hotter than a pair of jumper cables at at redneck picnic.

To get clear water, go to the head of the branch.

If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, what a Merry Christmas we’d have.

He's dumber than a mud fence.

Well, butter my biscuit.

Sweating like a whore in church.

Like Claude Harris’ mule

He ain't got no home trainin.

You can hear her three fields off.

Do it up brown

Don’t let the tail wag the dog.

Tighter than a new boot

That was back when Christ wore knee-britches.

Finer than frog's hair

His mouth ain’t no prayerbook.

You look like you were pulled through a knothole backwards.

A whistling woman and a crowing hen never comes to a very good end.

My hind foot!

He's tighter than a fiddle string