Author: Country expression Page 40

He ain't sawing logs, he's clearing brush.

That kid could break an anvil.

You can’t tell nobody nothing that ain’t ever been nowhere!

Lay out of work or school

Meaner than a snake

Bless your pea-pickin' heart.

People in hell want ice water, but that don’t mean they get it.

Like a calf in clover

He’d scare a horse from his oats.

She couldn't keep her dress down.

I feel lower than a snake in snowshoes.

He wants the earth and the moon with two strands of bob wire around it – and it white washed.

Louder than two skeletons fighting on a tin roof.

Doesn’t know shit from Shinola

So ugly no fly would land on ‘em

I'll slap you to sleep, then slap you for sleepin.

She looks like she was rode hard and put up wet.

He has to sneak up on water fountain to get a drink.

You don’t have to have a long neck to be a goose.

My boss rides me like a sway back mule.

She’s so poor she ain’t got two nickels to rub together.