Author: Country expression Page 42

He could sell ice to an Eskimo.

I'm so hungry I could eat my elbows.

Busted two sets of knee caps

We don’t air our dirty laundry out in public.

He took in a lot of mules.

It’s as hot as blue blazes.

To put the spit on the apple.

He is just a hole in search of donut.

She is so ugly I would hire her to haunt a house.

If you are in trouble and told to go out and cut your own switch…don’t come back with a little one…that ain’t going to work for ya.

He’s a good ol’ dog, but sometimes he sh*ts to close to the porch.

He wouldn't go to a funeral unless he could be the corpse.

You could throw her in a river and skim ugly for two days.

He won’t hit a lick at a snake.

Chester drawers

Act like you’ve got some raisin.

He couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

He lost his hat, ass, and spats!

Nervous as a cow with a bucktooth calf.

Mean enough to charge hell with a quart of ice water.

It’s cold enough to freeze a turkey off the roost.