Author: Country expression Page 42

He wants the earth and the moon with two strands of bob wire around it – and it white washed.

It's as cold as all git out!

He is ten pounds of shit in a five pound bag.

That poor boy’s so slow, it would take him two hours to watch 60 minutes.

Nobody will ever notice it on a galloping horse.

You don’t know shit from apple butter!

Shit fire and save matches

Cathead biscuit

The apple never falls too far from the tree.

Uglier than a burnt stump

Don’t care to.

No fly ever lit on her.

Meaner than a sack full of rattlesnakes.

I'll knock you so hard you'll see tomorrow today.

Well, shut my mouth.

He’d make a cat laugh.

He could tear up a railroad track with a rubber hammer.

Braggin’ dog

Now that’ll throw yer hat in the creek.

She's got tongue enough for 10 rows of teeth.

Poor as gully dirt