Author: Country expression Page 43

A trace of the uppity

As tall as a Georgia pine

It don't take a genius to spot a goat in a flock of sheep.

Sharp as a ball peen hammer.

Every dog has his day.

He has to sneak up on water fountain to get a drink.

Living high on the hog

… more than Carter’s got pills.

It don’t take long to examine a hot horseshoe.

Well, I swanny…

It’s been saucered and blowed.

Slow as pond water.

He wants the earth and the moon with two strands of bob wire around it – and it white washed.

Just because a chicken has wings doesn't mean it can fly.

If the Lord’s willing and the creeks don’t rise.

You're a dime holdin’ up a dollar.

If a bird had his brains, he fly backwards.

Once bread is toast, it can't be bread again.

Georgia buggy

I feel lower than a snake in snowshoes.

Nobody here but us chickens.