Author: Country expression Page 7

He’s so skinny… looks like he swapped legs with a wasp and got cheated out of the stinger!

Like a polecat at a camp meeting

He lost his hat, ass, and spats!

Can of corn

It's so hot that it makes me want to take off my skin and sit in my bones.

It’s so hot I could spit fire.

He could go bear hunting with a switch.

In your life, you’ve got to eat a peck of dirt.

He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.

He's got both feet in the trough.

A near man with a dollar.

I’ve been to two goat ropin’s and a county fair and I ain’t seen nothin’ like this.

Pore mouthin’

He is just a hole in search of donut.

To have treed the coon

Her butt is two axe handles wide.


Do it up brown

Madder than a hornet!

He’d make a cat laugh.

I think I’m tryin’to get sick.