Author: Country expression Page 8

Treated him like a red-headed stepchild.

Between you me and the gatepost…

I'm feeling as low as a toad in a dry well.

Bank walker

Rough as a cob

Big hat, no cattle

A near man with a dollar.

You don't have the sense God gave a gnat.

If you want to fight me you better pack a lunch and bring a flashlight.

I’m fair to middlin’.

Just because a chicken has wings doesn't mean it can fly.

Hold your horses

Tell a story

Air up your car

Chew the bark off

He’s so tight when he blinks his eyes his toe’s curl up.

Like a live oak limb

Shut the light.

Don’t care to.

I don’t think we need to be subliminable [sic] about the differences between our views on prescription drugs.

(1946 – ) 43rd U.S. president

Don’t go off with your pistol half cocked.