Author: Epitaph

Beneath these green trees rising to the skies, the planter of them, Isaac Greentree lies! A time shall come when these green trees shall fall, and Isaac Greentree rise above them all.

He called Bill Smith a liar

Hell no! I came here to die not to make a speech!

Praises on tombs are trifles vainly spent; a man's good name is his best monument.

Here lies Bryan Wilkinson – The doc said he'd be 'alright,’ Guess doc was all wrong

Close behind this stone Here lies alone Captain Reynolds Marvin Expecting his wife When ends her life. And we both are freed from sarvin',

Fhebe Sprague. – In the sixteenth year of her age, – Natively quick and spry – As all young people be, – When God commands them down to dust, – How quick they drop you see.

Here lies Estella – Who transported a large fortune to heaven, in acts of charity, and has gone thither to enjoy it.

Here lies the body of Samuel Crane – He ran a race with a passenger train. He got to the crossing and almost across. Sam and his car was a total loss. Sams spirit now tolls his knell. That Sam is on his way to well – If he only took time to stop look and listen, He'd be living now instead of missing

Ebenezer Dockwood aged forty seven. A miser and a hypocrite and never went to Heaven.

The death angel struck Alexander McGlue and gave him protracted repose; he wore a checked shirt and a No. 9 shoe And had a pink wart on his nose. No doubt he is happy a-dwelling in space over on the evergreen shore. His friends are informed that his funeral takes place at precisely a quarter past four.


Here lies young Ezikel Height, died from jumping Jim Smith’s claim; didn’t happen at the mining site, the claim he jumped, was Jim Smith’s dame.

Owen Moore, gone away. Owin' more, than he could pay

A man of letters it seems was he; the college made him L.L.D. The Order a P.G.W.C. Grim death has given him the G.B., and may his ashes R.I.P.

Old Vicar Sutor lieth here, Who had a Mouth from ear to ear. Reader tread lightly on the sod. For if he gapes, you're gone by G —.

Here lieth Richard Dent in his last tenement.

Grim death took me without any warning, I was well at night, and died in the morning.

Planted here beneath sod. At peaceful rest lies brother Claude

Here lies Slip Mcvey. He would be here today, but bad whiskey and a fast gun put him away

Here lies one that once was born and cried, Lived several years — and then he died