Author: Epitaph Page 10

Hedemark (1949-2001) – See You Soon

If Heaven be pleased when sinners cease to sin, if Hell be pleased when sinners enter in, if Earth be pleased when ridded of a knave, then all are pleased for Coleman’s in his grave.

Looked up the elevator shaft to see if the car was on the way down – it was.

Two great physicians first, my Loving husband tried, to cure my pain, in vain. At last he got a third, and then I died.

Here lies the body of Jonathan Blake. Stepped on the gas instead of the brake.

OOPS!, he died – Love from us your father, Tom jr. and Mary

Grim Death To Please His Palate Has Taken My Lettice To Put in His Sallat.

Beneath this stone lies Lamb asleep, who died a Lamb who lived a sheep. Many a lamb and sheep he slaughtered but cruel Death the scene has altered.

I thought my doctor said I was heading for a rave.

William Newhall. He ‘rose in health at early dawn, to hail the new born year: before the evening shade came on, he finished his career.

Life is a jest, and all things show it; I thought so once and now I know it.

Fhebe Sprague. – In the sixteenth year of her age, – Natively quick and spry – As all young people be, – When God commands them down to dust, – How quick they drop you see.

Faults I May Have – Being Wrong is Not One of Them

For a good time, dig.

Haine haint

I don't know how to die.

Sacred to Wm Collis boat-steerer of the ship St George of New Bedford, who by the will of Almighty God was killed by a whale off this Island

I'm in on a plot.

HA! HA! I’m Pushing Up Daisies!!!

Learn the living from the dead, how easy breaks life's tender thread

"I knew this was going to happen to me."