Author: Epitaph Page 16

Entombed within this vault a lawyer lies, who, fame assureth us was just and wise, an able advocate and honest too; that's wondrous strange, indeed, if it be true.

I started out in life with the idea, that the world had an opening for me. And it did.

As a stranger she did die, in strange lands she doth lie. Here by strangers she was laid, and her funeral charges paid.

Exit Burbridge

Toothless Nell (Alice Chambers) Killed 1876 in a Dance Hall brawl. Her last words: "Circumstances led me to this end."

On the four husbands of Ivy Saunders: Here lies my husbands 1 – 2 – 3. As still as men could ever be. As for the fourth: Praise be to God He still abides above the sod: Abel, Seth and Leidy were the first 3 names and to make things tidy I'll add his – James.

This wasn’t my idea

GELOW – Francis & Yvonne – On Vacation – Hold mail – Lived

Here lies Donald and his wife Janett McPhee, aged 40 he and 30 she.

Here lies my corpse who was the man, That lov'd a sop in dripping pan, But now believe me I am dead, Now here the pan stands at my head, Still for sop to the last I cry'd, But could not eat and so I died, My neighbours they perhaps may laugh, When they do read my epitaph.

His virtues and his pills are so well known, that envy can’t confine them under stone.

Rebecca Freeland, 1741 – She drank good ale, good punch and wine, and lived to the age of 99.

Here lies John Auricular, Who in the ways of the Lord walked perpendicular.

Here lies Slip Mcvey. He would be here today, but bad whiskey and a fast gun put him away

Thorp’s Corpse

Under this stone Lies Billy Joe Bob Stealing chickens Was his last job

Here lies the bones of David Jones, Laid both dead and dumb. He read a law and plead a cause But died from drinking rum.

Here lies the body of Miriam Wood, formerly wife to John Smith. A woman well beloved of all her neighbors for her care of small folks' education, their number being great, that when she died she scarcely left her mate: so wise discreet was her behaviours that she was well esteemed by neighbors. She lived in love with all to die so let her rest to eternitye.

Cold is my bed, but oh, I love it, – for colder are my friends above it.

Here lies the body of Mary Morgan. Like the morning dew she glistened, exhaled, and went to heaven.

Here lies Charles. Had six guns Needed seven. Now he is in heaven