Author: Epitaph Page 22

Here lies interred Priscilla Bird, who sang on earth till sixty two. Now up on high above the sky, no doubt she sings like sixty too.

WILLIAM WILSON – Here Lieth W.W., who never more will, trouble you, trouble you.

Tom Smith is dead, and here he lies, nobody laughs and nobody cries; where his soul's gone, or how it fares, nobody knows, and nobody cares.

I thought my doctor said I was heading for a rave.

Dinah had a little can, 'Twas filled with kerosine. And soon among the twinkling stars – Dynamite Benzine.

He was literally a father to all the children of the parish.

Here lies John Auricular, Who in the ways of the Lord walked perpendicular.

She always said her feet were killing her – but nobody believed her.

Here lies the body of Robert Lowe. Whither he’s gone I do not know. If to the realms of peace and love, farewell to happiness above. If to a place of lower level, I don’t congratulate the d—l.

He looked for gold and died of lead poison

The Yankees came South in droves and bands, To conquer our fair Southern lands. But this little plot, In this quiet spot, was all the land this damn Yankee got.

A Finished Artist

I Was Supposed To Live To Be 102 and Be Shot By A Jealous Husband


Charlie was a chemist, but Charlie is no more. What Charlie thought was H20 was H2SO4.

He called Bill Smith a liar

Here lies Rob Master, Faith! 'twas very hard, to take away an honest Robin's breath; yes, surely Robin was full well prepared. For he was always looking out for death.

It is so soon that I am done for, I wonder what I was begun for.

Here lie Walker's particles.

… Going! Going!! Gone!!!

She drank good ale, good punch and wine and lived to the age of 99.