Author: Epitaph Page 24

To the Green Memory of William Hawkings, Gardener: Planted Here With Love and Care By His Grieving Colleagues

Here lies the father of 29; he would have had more but he didn't have time.

Louise. – The Unfortunate.

Here's to Johnny quite a guy. Very sad he had to die. All was well could not be better, Till he wrote my girl a letter.

The children of Israel wanted bread and the Lord sent them manna. Old clerk Wallace wanted a wife, and the Devil sent him Anna.

Rebecca Freeland, 1741 – She drank good ale, good punch and wine, and lived to the age of 99.

At last I get top billing.

Here lie the remains of John Hall, grocer. The world is not worth a fig, and I have good raisins for saying so.

In memory of Henry Wang, son of his, Father and mother, John and Maria Wang. Died Dec. 31st 1829 … The first deposit of this yard.

A thousand ways cut short our days, none are exempt from death. A honey-bee by stinging me did stop my mortal breath.

This stone was raised to Sarah Ford, not Sarah's virtues to record, for they're well known to all the town. No Lord; it was raised to keep her down.

Stranger pause my tale attend, and learn the cause of Hannah’s end. Across the world the wind did blow, she ketched a cold that laid her low. We shed a lot of tears ‘tis true, but life is short – aged 82.

Listen, Mother, Aunt and me, were killed, here we be. We should not had time to missle had they blown the engine whistle.

This is the grave of Mike O’Day, who died maintaining his right of way. His right was clear, his will was strong, but he’s just as dead as if he’d been wrong.

Here lies my wife in earthy mould, who when she lived did naught but scold. Peace! wake her not, for now she’s still; she had, but now I have my will.

I was Carolina Born – and Carolina bred – and here I lay – Carolina dead!

“I See Dumb People”

Stranger pause and shed a tear, for Mary Jane lies buried here. Mingled in a most surprising manner with Susan, Marie and portions of Hannah.

Once I wasn't – then I was. Now I ain't again.

Here lies England's premier baron, – Patiently awaiting the last trump.

I don’t want to talk about it now.