Author: Epitaph Page 25

I am woman here me roar. And boy did she.

Here lies entombed one Roger Morton, whose sudden death was early brought on; trying one day his corn to mow off, the razor slipped and cut his toe off. The toe, or rather what it grew to, an inflammation quickly flew to; the parts they took to mortifying, And poor dear Roger took to dying.

Faults I May Have – Being Wrong is Not One of Them

Here lies an Atheist. All dressed up and no place to go.

Died at the age of 102 at the hands of a justifiably outraged husband.

She tormented him until he dried up like a bundle of Straw.

… Here lie the bones of Sophie Jones; for her death held no terrors. She was born a maid and died a maid. No hits, no runs, no heirs.

She was never meant to be understood, just loved.

Susan Tomkins here she lies, nobody laughs and nobody crys, where shes gone or how she fares nobody knows and nobody cares

Scotty… beam me up!

Here lies the wife of brother Thomas, whom tyrant death has torn from us, her husband never shed a tear, until his wife was buried here. And then he made a fearful rout, for fear she might find her way out.

Fair maiden Lilliard – lies under this stane – little was her stature – but muckle was her fame – upon the English loons – she laid monie thumps – and when her legs were cuttit off – she fought upon her stumps.

He called Bill Smith a liar

Charity, wife of Gideon Bligh, underneath this stone doth lie. Nought was she e'er known to do, that her husband told her to.

Here's to Johnny quite a guy. Very sad he had to die. All was well could not be better, Till he wrote my girl a letter.

Poor John Scott is buried here, tho' once he was both hale and stout. Death stretched him on his bitter bier, in another world he hops about.

This debt I owe is justly due, and I am come to sleep with you.

At threescore winters' end I died, a cheerless being, sole and sad; the nuptial knot I never tied, and wish my father never had.

Here lies Lord Coningsby – be civil, the rest God knows – so does the Devil.

Here lies two brothers by misfortune surrounded; one died of wounds, but the other was drownded.

Reader if cash thou are – In want of any – dig 4 feet deep – And thou wilt find a Penny.