Author: Epitaph Page 27

These hillocks green and mouldering bones, these gloomy tombs and lettered stones. One admonition here supply: Reader! art thou prepared to die?

She was not smart, she was not fair, but hearts with grief for her are swellin'; all empty stands her little chair: she died of eatin' water-mellon.

Here lies a man never beat by a plan, straight was his aim and sure of his game, never was a lover but invented a revolver.

Here lies John Higley whose father and mother were drowned in their passage from America. Had they both lived they would have been buried here.

Cold is my bed, but oh, I love it, – for colder are my friends above it.

Here lies the body of Richard Thomas, an Englishman by birth, a Whig of '76 – a Cooper by trade, now food for worms. Like an old rum puncheon whose staves are all marked and numbered he will be raised and put together again by his Maker.

Beneath this stone a lump of clay, lies Uncle Peter Dan'els – who early in the month of May, took off his winter flannels.

When I am dead, I hope it may be said: His sins were scarlet, but his books were read.

Curly – Joe DeRita, “The Last Stooge” July 12, 1909 – July 3, 1993

Here lieth, underneath these stones, The Beard, the Flesh, and eke the Bones Of Wrexham's Clerk, old Daniel Jones.


I am not grieved, my dearest life. Sleep on, I've got another wife. Therefore, I cannot come to thee For I must go and live with she.

A Man.

Here lies Elizabeth, my wife for 47 years, and this is the first damn thing she ever done to oblige me.

Poems and Epitaphs are but stuff – Here lies Zed Blacksword – that’s enough

That is all

She tormented him until he dried up like a bundle of Straw.

He married five wives, Whom he survived. At the age of 93 he walked to London, to seek a sixth but died before he found her.

Upon the fifth day of November, Christ's College lost a privy member; Cupid and death did both their arrows nick, Cupid shot short, but death did hit the prick; Women lament and maidens make great moans, Because the prick is laid beneath the stones.

Here lies Fuller's earth.

Here lie Walker's particles.