Author: Epitaph Page 29

Here lies a man who while he lived was happy as a linnet. He always lied while on the earth and now he's lying in it.

Here lies one who for medicine would not give, a little gold, and so his life he lost: I fancy now he'd wish again to live, could he but guess how much his funeral cost.

Here lies a lewd Fellow, who, while he drew Breath, In the Midst of his Life was in Quest of his Death; Which he quickly obtain'd for it cost him his Life, For being in Bed with another Man's Wife.

Martha and I together lived – Just two years and a half; – She went first, and I followed after – the cow before the calf.

Ashes to ashes dust to dust, here lies George Emery I trust. And when the trump blows louder and louder, he’ll rise a box of Emery powder.

The children of Israel wanted bread and the Lord sent them manna. Old clerk Wallace wanted a wife, and the Devil sent him Anna.

Fear God, keep His Commandments, Don't attempt to climb up in a tree That's what caused the death of me!

Grim death took me without any warning, I was well one day, and stone dead next morning.

Here lies two brothers by misfortune surrounded; one died of wounds, but the other was drownded.

He was young – He was fair – But the Injuns – Raised his hair

Poor Martha Snell, she's gone away. She would if she could, but she could not stay; she'd two bad legs, and a baddish cough, but her legs it was that carried her off.

Here lie I and my three daughters, All from drinking the Cheltenham waters. While if we had kept to the Epsom salts, We should not now be in these here vaults.

She loved me and my grandchildren reverenced her. She bathed my feet and kept my socks well darned.

Death is a debt that’s justly due, that I have paid and so must you.

Here lies the body of Molly Dickie, the Wife of Hall Dickie, tailor

Sacred to the memory of William Skaradon who came to his death by being shot with a Colts revolver, one of the old kind brass mounted and of such is the kingdom of heaven.

At threescore winters' end I died, a cheerless being, sole and sad; the nuptial knot I never tied, and wish my father never had.

Longest Live Burial World Record Attempt.