Author: Epitaph Page 29

Here lies the wife of brother Thomas, whom tyrant death has torn from us, her husband never shed a tear, until his wife was buried here. And then he made a fearful rout, for fear she might find her way out.

Old Vicar Sutor lieth here, Who had a Mouth from ear to ear. Reader tread lightly on the sod. For if he gapes, you're gone by G —.

Here lies Groucho Marx and Lies and Lies and Lies

Here lies one who never lied before. And one who never will lie More. To which there need be no More said.

How sleep the brave who sink to rest, by all their country's wishes blest, they sleep not in their regimentals. Such things being here not deemed essentials.

When I am dead, I hope it may be said: His sins were scarlet, but his books were read.

Here lies John Higley whose father and mother were drowned in their passage from America. Had they both lived they would have been buried here.

That is all

Sacred To the Memory of LEWIS WICKS, who was killed on Thursday the 4, Oct. at 2 O'ck. P.M. by a waggon loaded with hay running over his brest. AD.1821 AE 56 years 3 mo. & 4 d's. who has left an affectionate Consort, and numerous friends to lament his loss.

Sacred to the memory of My husband John Barnes Who died January 3, 1803. His comely young widow, aged 23, has many qualifications of a good wife, and yearns to be comforted.

She lived genteely on a small income.

Bill Blake – was hanged by mistake.

He has gone to the only place where his own works are excelled.

Richard Kell Munson (1924-2004) Lovingly Known As Doctor Dick

Dear Sister, Here lies the body of Mary Ford. We hope her soul is with the Lord But if for hell she's changed this life, better live there than as J. Ford's wife.

Factory Reject

OOPS!, he died – Love from us your father, Tom jr. and Mary

GELOW – Francis & Yvonne – On Vacation – Hold mail – Lived