Author: Epitaph Page 5

Ellen Shannon age 26 years, Who was fatally burned March 21, 1870 by the explosion of a lamp filled with "R. E. Danforth's Non-Explosive-Burning Fluid."

… Going! Going!! Gone!!!

Of him within, nought e'er gratis was had, that you read this so cheap now makes him sad.

Here lies England's premier baron, patiently awaiting the last trump.

Here lies the body of John Smith. Buried in the cloisters. If he don't jump at the last trump, call, Oysters!

Here lies the Body of Captain Tully. Aged an hundred and nine years fully. And threescore years before, as Mayor, the sword of this city he did bear. Nine of his wives do with him lie, so shall the tenth when she doth die.

Here lies the corpse of Doctor Chard, who fill'd half of this churchyard.

Here I lie, my name is Ball, I lived, I died, despised by all; and now I cannot chew my crust, I'm gone back to my ancient dust.

A Funny Thing Happened

Here lies two brothers by misfortune surrounded; one died of wounds, but the other was drownded.

Here lies George Johnson, He was right, We was wrong, But we strung him up, And now he's gone

Poems and Epitaphs are but stuff – Here lies Zed Blacksword – that’s enough

This Ain’t Bad _____ Once You Get Used To It

The dame that rests beneath this tomb, had Rachel's beauty, Leah's fruitful womb, Abigail's wisdom, Lydia's faithful heart, Martha's just care, and Mary's better part.

He was young – He was fair – But the Injuns – Raised his hair

Here lies the body of John Mound, lost at sea and never found.

Here lies a lewd Fellow, who, while he drew Breath, In the Midst of his Life was in Quest of his Death; Which he quickly obtain'd for it cost him his Life, For being in Bed with another Man's Wife.

Here, reader, turn your weeping eyes, My fate a useful moral teaches; The hole in which my body lies Would not contain one half my speeches

My candle burns at both ends, – It will not last the night, – But Oh, my foes, – And Ah, my friends, – It gives a lovely light

I thought my doctor said I was heading for a rave.

Here lies Fred, Who was alive and is dead: Had it been his father, I had much rather; Had it been his brother, Still better than another; Had it been his sister, No-one would have missed her; Had it been the whole generation, So much better for the nation. But since 'tis only Fred, Who was alive and is dead, here's no more to be said.