Author: Epitaph Page 5

Here lies the body of Jane Gordon. With mouth almighty and teeth accordin!

OOPS!, he died – Love from us your father, Tom jr. and Mary

Here lies my wife a sad slatterned shrew. If I said I regretted her, I should lie too.

Faults I May Have – Being Wrong is Not One of Them

HA! HA! I’m Pushing Up Daisies!!!

Here lies Fred, Who was alive and is dead: Had it been his father, I had much rather; Had it been his brother, Still better than another; Had it been his sister, No-one would have missed her; Had it been the whole generation, So much better for the nation. But since 'tis only Fred, Who was alive and is dead, here's no more to be said.

On the 22nd of June. Jonathan Fiddle Went out of tune.

I am anxiously expecting you. A.D. 1827 — Here I am! – A.D. 1867

Here lays Butch. We planted him raw. He was quick on the trigger – But slow on the draw.

Here lies a man named Zeke. Second fastest draw in Cripple Creek.

Ope'd my eyes took a peep. Didn't like it went back to sleep.

Come blooming youths, as you pass by, And on these lines do cast an eye. As you are now, so once was I; As I am now, so must you be; Prepare for death and follow me.

Beneath this smooth stone by the bone of his bone – Sleeps Master John Gill; – By lies when alive this attorney did thrive, – And now that he's dead he lies still.

Toothless Nell (Alice Chambers) Killed 1876 in a Dance Hall brawl. Her last words: "Circumstances led me to this end."

He died in bed.

For a good time, dig.

Sudden and unexpected was the end – Of our esteemed and beloved friend, – He gave to all his friends a sudden shock – By one day falling into Sunderland dock.


She was not smart, she was not fair, but hearts with grief for her are swellin'; all empty stands her little chair: she died of eatin' water-mellon.

Julia Newton – died of thin shoes, April 17th, 1839, age 19 years.

Here lie the bones of Joseph Jones who ate while he was able. But once overfed, he dropt down dead and fell beneath the table. When from the tomb, to meet his doom, he arises amidst sinners. Since he must dwell in heaven or hell, take him – whichever gives the best dinners.