Author: Epitaph Page 7

How did it get so dark ?!?

Grim death took me without any warning. I was well at night, and dead in the morning.

Dear God: enclosed, please find Rube Goldberg. Now that you’ve got him, what are you going to do with him?

The land I cleared is now my grave. Think well, my friends, how you behave

Here lies Bernard Lightfoot who was accidentally killed in his forty fifth year.

Here lies Ezekiel Aikle Age 102 – The Good Die Young.

Here lies the body of John Smith. Buried in the cloisters. If he don't jump at the last trump, call, Oysters!


Dear Sister, Here lies the body of Mary Ford. We hope her soul is with the Lord But if for hell she's changed this life, better live there than as J. Ford's wife.

Here lies the body of poor Aunt Charlotte. Born a virgin, died a harlot. For 16 years she kept her virginity, a damn'd long time for this vicinity.

Elizabeth McFadden, wife of David P. Read. Died Feb. 28, 1859, in her 47th year. She never done a thing to displeas her husband.

Here lies the body of Jonathan Stout. He fell in the water and never got out, And still is supposed to be floating about.

At last, a year-round resident

Erected to the memory of John Macfarlane. Drowned in the waters of Leith – by a few affectionate friends.


Here lies my wife, poor Molly, let her lie, she finds repose at last, and so do I.

Beneath this silent tomb is laid, a noisy antiquated maid, who from her cradle talked till death, and ne'er before was out of breath.

I am not grieved, my dearest life. Sleep on, I've got another wife. Therefore, I cannot come to thee For I must go and live with she.

“Deeply regretted by all who never knew him.”

Was suddenly killed at early dawn, July 4th, 1842, by the explosion of a small canon, aged 15 years

Agreeable to the memory of Mrs Alinda Tewksbury. She was not a beleiver [sic] in the Christian idolitry.