Author: Help wanted

WANTED: Preparer of food. Must be dependable, like the food business, and be willing to get hands dirty.


Wanted: Satellite Installer

CAB DRIVERS WANTED – Nights & weekends. Must have good driving & criminal record. Apply in person, 151 Elm St.

Wanted: Lifeguard. Must be able to swim.


Wanted. Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink.

All positions are open until filled.

HELP WANTED – Helpdesk Technician @ Pentagon

HELP WANTED – PlayStation Brand Ambassador

PART-TIME HELP WANTED. Must have creative skills, drivers license and car with outgoing personality

Restaurant Assistant Manager: Applicants with the necessary experience need not apply.

Help wanted: Boiler operator. Previous clinical experience with gynecology patients required.

HELP WANTED – Administraive/ Secretary


Girl wanted to assist magician in cutting-off-head illusion. Blue Cross and salary.

Tired of working for only $9.75 per hour? We offer profit sharing and flexible hours. Starting pay: $7–$9 per hour.

WANTED: Man to wash dishes and two waitresses.

Mother’s helper – peasant working conditions.

Shakespeare's Pizza. Free chopsticks.

Wanted: Part-time married girls for soda fountain in sandwich shop.