Author: Translation Page 4

Be smile with How to English!

Michaelsoft Binbows

Please do not bring solicitors into your room

Toes with butter and jam

CAUTION – Blade Extremely Sharp! Keep Out of Children

Use repeatedly for severe damage.

Dram of a fairy princess A pleasant beauty life of a natural science – Clean of many common harmful things and dirty in as little as 10 seconds

Ladies may have a fit upstairs.

Cease Fire

Cash Recycling Machine


Please do not inside.

Come Broil Yourself at Your own Table.

Guests should announce abandonment of their rooms before 12 o'clock, emptying the room at the latest until 14 o'clock for the use of the room before 5 at the arrival after the 16 o'clock at the departure will be billed as one more night.

Sorry, I am unintentional! – Funny Toy

The chicken soup searches and confiscates hand

Baby Maker

The first episode of "Joanie Loves Chachi" was the highest rated American program in the history of Korean television.

To connect your computer to the internet lard line, please refer to the instruction booklet located in the desk.