Author: Unknown Page 13

If Had Shot You When I Wanted To, I’d Be Out By Now

I could beat him with my eyes tied behind my back.

The British are often thought of as pioneers in the field of mountain climbing.

Don't burn your bridges till you come to them.

Where do you draw the line? … Everything has to have been drawn originally.

Don’t Run Through the Screen Door Honey, You’ll Only Strain Yourself

High sticking, tripping, slashing, spearing, charging, hooking, fighting, unsportsmanlike conduct, interference, roughing… everything else is just figure skating. 

Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use.

I Fell For Her, She Fell For Him, And He Fell For Me

You Can't Haul a U-Haul Into Heaven

Just then, the fickle finger of fate reared its ugly head.

This so-called water feature will literally be a drain on the resources of the Royal Parks Agency for years to come.

The promise of the world’s first low-carbon Olympic flame has gone up in smoke.

You Done My Brain In

That's using your head for something besides a footstool.

I don’t think they want to bite off that bullet.

Don't Make Love To a Country Music Singer

A golf match is a test of your skill against your opponents' luck.

He said he wanted to go play in his home country and village; I guess every village needs an idiot.

I can see the light at the end of the rainbow.