Author: Unknown Page 13

He'll argue until the cat turns blue.

Someone's going to hang from the yardstick for this.

I could hear the handwriting on the wall.

I was so excited my heart about fell out of my stomach!

I’ve Got You on My Conscience But At Least You’re Off My Back

I Wish I Were In Dixie Tonight, But She’s Out Of Town

I Don’t Do Floors

That's grabbing the bull by the horns of a dilemma.

I left the door wide open, and you didn't take the bait.

He’s going to look them over with a 10-foot pole.

If I Had My Life To Live Over, I’d Live Over A Delicatessen

We are rolling out fresh fruit in primary schools.

We need to get a vacuum cleaner and hose him down.

Don't take any wooden Indians.

It Took A Helluva Man To Take My Anne, But It Sure Didn’t Take Him Long

Just to throw some evidence on the fire.

I Been Roped And Throwed By Jesus In The Holy Ghost Corral

We should continue to ride the horse that brings in the gravy.

Like a chicken with its hat off.

The promise of the world’s first low-carbon Olympic flame has gone up in smoke.