Author: Unknown Page 2

He took to it like a fish out of water.

He who hesitates hasn't leapt first.

I smell a rat… but I'll nip him in the bud.

He was between a rock and the deep blue sea.

Dick, Dick What Did You Lick?

Thanks To The Cathouse, I’m In The Doghouse With You

If you don't wear your seat belt, you're just a missile waiting to happen.

And Britain defeats the rest of the world to pick up the bronze medal.

If Money Talks, It Ain’t On Speaking Terms with Me

I Don’t Care If It Rains or Freezes ‘Long as I Have My Plastic Jesus Sittin’ on the Dashboard of My Car

You Want Your Freedom PDQ, Divorce Me COD

Unless somebody can pull a miracle out of the fire, they are cruising into the semi-final.

Forget the Night, Help Me Make It Through the Door

Haven't we beat that with a dead stick?

I should move to the other side of the building, so I can see the sunset come up every morning.

I was so excited my heart about fell out of my stomach!

Heart, We Did All We Could

The promise of the world’s first low-carbon Olympic flame has gone up in smoke.

They don't know yet whether that played a factor in the accident.

I don’t think we should jump at straws here.

Don’t Let That Doorknob Hit You (on the Way Out)