Author: Unknown Page 4

I’ve Never Seen an Armored Car Following a Hearse

We are rolling out fresh fruit in primary schools.

I thought it might be a good idea for you to check base with him.

He's cooking his goose deeper and deeper.

Having your lawyer pay for lunch will be very expensive in the end.

Sometimes I feel like I'm swimming uphill against the grain.

Basketball players get the girls, hockey players take them home.

…a seething volcano, nine tenths submerged in the melting pot which one day will explode beneath our feet like a boomerang to engulf us all in a whirlwind of dragon's teeth. It will be too late to close the stable-door.

Hardening and Tempering Engineers’ Tools

If Money Talks, It Ain’t On Speaking Terms with Me

He can squeeze money out of a turnip.

There are things that will really sink home with you.

The worst part about politics is that you're always right and no one ever knows it."

I was so excited my heart about fell out of my stomach!

Necessity is the mother of strange bedfellows.

North End of a Southbound Mule

This is a race where you can turn a corner, and then there’ll be another team right there breathing down your throat.

You Can’t Deal Me All The Aces And Expect Me Not To Play

I wish they'd hurry up and get their act in gear.

It Took A Helluva Man To Take My Anne, But It Sure Didn’t Take Him Long

It Don’t Feel Like Sinnin’ To Me