Author: A Murphy's Military Law Page 4

All other things being equal, the side with the simplest uniforms wins.

Make it too tough for the enemy to get in and you can't get out.

Surprise is an event that takes place only in the mind of a commander.

Neutral countries – aren’t.

No plan survives first contact intact.

All battles are fought at the junction of two or more map sheets… printed at different scales.

Anything you can do can get you killed – including doing nothing.

If you take more than your fair share of objectives, you will have more than your fair share to take.

Suppressive fires – won’t.

The difficult we do immediately; the impossible takes a little while longer.

When the enemy is closing, the artillery will always be long

Try to look unimportant, because the bad guys may be low on ammo and not want to waste a bullet on you.

We are not retreating, we are advancing in another direction.

When both sides are convinced they are about to lose, they're both right.

Automatic weapons – aren’t.

Never trust a private with a loaded weapon, or an officer with a map and compass.

If enough data is collected, a board of inquiry can prove anything.

A retreating enemy is probably just falling back and regrouping.

Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you.