Author: Angelica Huston

Gomez: He has my father's eyes.

Morticia: Gomez, take those out of his mouth.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Don’t torture yourself, Gomez… that’s my job.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Wednesday… play with your food!

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Thing [a disembodied hand], you’re a handful.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Uncle Nick Nack’s winter wardrobe… Uncle Nick Nack’s summer wardrobe… Uncle Nick Nack!

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Wednesday, look at all of the other children, their freckles, their bright little eyes, their eager, friendly smiles; help them.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Morticia: You have gone too far. You have married Fester. You have destroyed his spirit. You have taken him from us. All that I could forgive. But, Debbie…
Debbie: What?
Morticia: Pastels?

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Scream if you need anything.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Morticia: It’s Gomez, I’m terribly worried about him. He won’t eat, he can’t sleep, he keeps coughing up blood…
Margaret: He coughs up blood?
Morticia: Well, not like he used to.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Debbie Jellinsky: These Addams men, where do you find them?

Morticia: It has to be damp.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Crowbar… dynamite… cyanide; Fester… as if we'd run out.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

I'm just like any modern woman trying to have it all. Loving husband, a family. It's just… I wish I had more time to seek out the dark forces and join their hellish crusade.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

He looks so sweet… just like a little entrée.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Gomez: At his request, I would rip out my eyes. At his command, I would crawl on my belly through hot coals and broken glass.

Morticia: Why wait?

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Gomez: [helping Morticia out of a torture device] Leather straps… red-hot pokers…

Morticia: Later, my dearest.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

[To Gomez ] Last night you were unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. Do it again!

(1951 – ) American actress & director

Morticia: [walking into their baby’s nursery] Oh, Gomez. It’s dark, it’s depressing, it’s desolate.
Gomez: It says, “Toddler”.
Morticia: It’s a dream.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

And our credo: “Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc.” We gladly feast on those who would subdue us. Not just pretty words.

(1951 – ) American actress & director

So… you still desire me after all these years? The old ball and chain?
Gomez: Forever!
Morticia: I’ll get them!

(1951 – ) American actress & director