Author: Dan Quayle

They need help, and we have helped, and we are here to help…. and we are helping, and we’re going to continue to help.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

Sometimes cameras and television are good to people and sometimes they aren’t; I don’t know if it’s the way you say it, or how you look.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

There is nothing that a good defense cannot beat a better offense; in other words a good offense wins.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

It is wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

What a waste it is to lose one's mind; or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

We don’t want to go back to tomorrow, we want to go forward.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

This President is going to lead us out of this recovery.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

Bank failures are caused by depositors who don’t deposit enough money to cover losses due to mismanagement.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

We expect them (Salvadoran officials) to work toward the elimination of human rights.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

We will invest in our people, quality education, job opportunity, family, neighborhood, and yes, a thing we call America.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

I deserve respect for the things I did not do.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

If you give a person a fish, they’ll fish for a day; but if you train a person to fish, they’ll fish for a lifetime.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

Unfortunately, the people of Louisiana are not racists.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice president, and that one word is ‘to be prepared.’

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

For NASA, space is still a high priority.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

Space is almost infinite; as a matter of fact, we think it is infinite.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

My friends, no matter how rough the road may be, we can and we will, never, never surrender to what is right.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

Let me just tell you how thrilling it really is, and how, what a challenge it is, because in 1988 the question is whether we’re going forward to tomorrow or whether we’re going to go past to the – to the back.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

We shouldn’t have to be burdened with all the technicalities that come up from time to time with shrewd, smart lawyers interpreting what the laws or what the Constitution may or may not say.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician

The global importance of the Middle East is that it keeps the Far East and the Near East from encroaching on each other.

(1947 – ) U.S. vice president & politician