Author: Dolly Parton

Plastic surgeons are always making mountains out of molehills.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

You'd be surprised how much it costs to look this cheap!

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

I have little feet because nothing grows in the shade.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

We kept Mommy on a pedestal… it was the only way we could keep Daddy off her. – of life in a family with 12 children

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

In a good shoe, I wear a size six, but a seven feels so good, I buy a size eight.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

Louie brought his new girlfriend over, and the nicest thing I can say about her is all her tattoos are spelled correctly.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it is marching across your face.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

Smile, it enhances your face value.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

I’m on a seafood diet… I see food, I eat it.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

If I see something sagging, bagging, and dragging, I’m going to nip, tuck it, and suck it.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

People always ask me how long it takes to do my hair – I don’t know, I’m never there.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

My husband said ‘Show me your boobs.’ and I had to pull up my skirt… so it was time to get them done!

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

There’s so much static electricity in this room, I pick up everything but boys and money.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

Do I lift weights? … Sure, every time I stand up.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress

I’m not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I’m not dumb… and I also know that I’m not blonde.

(1946 – ) singer, songwriter, author & actress