Author: Gore Vidal

In her last days, she resembled a spoiled pear.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

The only genius with an IQ of 60.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

Celebrities are invariably celebrity-mad, just as liars always believe liars.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

The United States was founded by the brightest people in the country… and we haven’t seen them since.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

As one gets older, litigation replaces sex.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

Teaching has ruined more American novelists than drink.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

I’m all for bringing back the birch, but only between consenting adults.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

Whenever a friend succeeds, a little something in me dies.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

A narcissist is someone better looking than you are.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

Half of the American people have never read a newspaper; and half never voted for president… one hopes it is the same half.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

He's a Republican housewife from Kansas with all the prejudices.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

A triumph of the embalmer's art.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

For certain people, after fifty, litigation takes the place of sex.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

A great zircon in the diadem of American literature.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

With history one an never be certain, but I think I can safely say that Aristotle Onassis would not have married Mrs. Khrushchev.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

Truman Capote's death was a good career move.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

He will even tell a lie when it is not convenient to.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

Never pass up a chance to have sex or appear on television.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

Today’s public figures can no longer write their own speeches or books, and there is some evidence that they can’t read them either.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

It is not enough to succeed, others must fail.

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter

The four most beautiful words in our common language: “I told you so.”

(1925 – 2012) author, playwright, essayist & screenwriter