Author: Isaac Asimov

Life is pleasant… death is peaceful; it’s the transition that’s troublesome.

(1920 – 1992) American science and science fiction author & professor

Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.

(1920 – 1992) American science and science fiction author & professor

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.

(1920 – 1992) American science and science fiction author & professor

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’, but ‘That’s funny…’

(1920 – 1992) American science and science fiction author & professor

Democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.

(1920 – 1992) American science and science fiction author & professor

Those people who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

(1920 – 1992) American science and science fiction author & professor

Life is pleasant, death is peaceful; it’s the transition that’s troublesome.

(1920 – 1992) American science and science fiction author & professor

If the doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I’d type a little faster.

(1920 – 1992) American science and science fiction author & professor