Author: Kaley Cuoco

Penny: What kind of teenager did you think I was?
Bernadette: Slutty.
Amy: Easy.
Penny: The word is ‘popular’.

(1985 – ) American actress

Leonard: They’re gonna get beaten up at that club.

Penny: They’re gonna get beaten up at Walgreens.

(1985 – ) American actress

That top has paid off in free drinks 10 times what I originally paid for it.

(1985 – ) American actress

Not really a great outfit for work. Unless something opens up in the Hookers & Whores department.

(1985 – ) American actress

Leonard: You know deep down inside, Howard’s a nice guy.

Penny: The problem isn’t what’s on the inside. It’s the creepy candy coating.

(1985 – ) American actress

Mary: Could the reason you can’t find a guy is because you’re letting them ride the rollercoaster without buying a ticket?

Penny: Oh, they don’t always get to ride the roller coaster. Sometimes they only get to spin the teacups.

(1985 – ) American actress

Bernadette: Yeah, it’s your third date, maybe you could go more sexy.
Amy: Well, some people think the sexiest organ is the brain.
Penny: No one ever bought me drinks at a bar because my brain just popped out of my shirt.

(1985 – ) American actress

Penny: Aw honey, the buses don’t go where you live do they?

(1985 – ) American actress