Author: Oscar Wilde Page 3

A man's face is his autobiography; a womans face is her work of fiction.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

I must decline your invitation owing to a subsequent invitation.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

He [Bernard Shaw] hasn’t an enemy in the world, and none of his friends like him.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

A little sincerity is a dangerous thing, and a great deal of it is absolutely fatal.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

Woman begins by resisting a man’s advances and ends by blocking his retreat.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

I don’t like the Switzerland: it has produced nothing but theologians and waiters.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

There are two ways of disliking poetry; one way is to dislike it, the other is to read Pope.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for the curious attraction of others.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

Only dull people are brilliant at breakfast.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

When we are happy we are always good, but when we are good we are not always happy.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

The only charm of marriage is that it makes a life of deception necessary for both parties.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

Women’s styles may change, but their designs remain the same.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

He [Bernard Shaw] hasn’t an enemy in the world, and none of his friends like him.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

There can be nothing more frequent than an occasional drink.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

I can resist everything except temptation.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

It is only the shallow people who do not judge by appearance.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

When I was young I used to think that money was the most important thing in life; now that I am old, I know it is.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet

There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.

(1854 – 1900) Irish dramatist, novelist & poet