Author: Rob Vaux

Michael Madsen? Michelle Rodriguez? ‘I’ll take “Actors Who Should Never Appear in Period Pieces” for $500, Alex.’

writer, editor & film reviewer

Psst! DreamWorks! Your Nemo envy is showing!

writer, editor & film reviewer

God help us, there’s going to be a director’s cut, isn’t there?

writer, editor & film reviewer

My poor brain hung in there for as long as it could, but it lost its grip during the giant chicken attack and I haven’t seen it since.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Not even Ian McKellan can bring it to life… and when Ian McKellan throws in the towel, you know the difficulties are too large to fix.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Whew! That was close: something almost happened there for a minute.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Real-life military trainers – regardless of gender – never make you say, ‘Wow you’re hot!’ They make you say, ‘I’ll do whatever you want, please don’t hurt me.’

writer, editor & film reviewer

You say ‘psychotic codependency’ like it’s a bad thing.

writer, editor & film reviewer

It's flawless in its flaws, without a single redeeming element to obscure its idealized awfulness.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Stop for a moment and ponder just how stupid it is to blow the ending of your movie in the title.

writer, editor & film reviewer

At least it’s not in 3D.

writer, editor & film reviewer

This film sucks on a level I can scarcely describe.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Yeah Johnny, it’s got a Hemi. Too bad the rest of your movie is such a broken-down lemon.

writer, editor & film reviewer

By trying to convince us that we’re having a good time even as it pounds us senseless, Speed Racer moves beyond mediocrity and into the realm of active irritant.

writer, editor & film reviewer

You’ll have more fun setting fire to yourself in the parking lot. You’ll be more entertained getting hit by a bus.

writer, editor & film reviewer

You can actually hear the writers pulling ideas out of their butts and flinging them willy-nilly at the screen.

writer, editor & film reviewer

I suppose this is what we get for encouraging the man.

writer, editor & film reviewer

As a routine thriller Firewall is barely functional, but as a waste of talent, it’s positively amazing.

writer, editor & film reviewer

House of Wax is cheap, dirty entertainment, and it knows it.

writer, editor & film reviewer

It's a car movie made by people who couldn't find reverse in a Volkswagen; a puzzle box thriller assembled by the functionally insane.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Is this what we’ve been reduced to? A film whose noise and explosions are separated from the season’s other noise and explosions solely by the fact that they’re painted blue?

writer, editor & film reviewer