Author: Rob Vaux Page 2

This film sucks on a level I can scarcely describe.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Though a scant 100 minutes long, After Earth feels longer and slower than your average PBS pledge drive.

writer, editor & film reviewer

No, Cameron! Not another musical interlude! Please, I’ll be good!

writer, editor & film reviewer

Michael Madsen? Michelle Rodriguez? ‘I’ll take “Actors Who Should Never Appear in Period Pieces” for $500, Alex.’

writer, editor & film reviewer

You’ll have more fun setting fire to yourself in the parking lot. You’ll be more entertained getting hit by a bus.

writer, editor & film reviewer

While Babylon A.D. isn’t the worst big-budget sci-fi film ever made, it comes near enough to merit avoiding at all costs.

writer, editor & film reviewer

You say ‘psychotic codependency’ like it’s a bad thing.

writer, editor & film reviewer

House of Wax is cheap, dirty entertainment, and it knows it.

writer, editor & film reviewer

It doesn’t suck. Please take a moment to pick your jaw up off the floor and we’ll continue.

writer, editor & film reviewer

I suppose this is what we get for encouraging the man.

writer, editor & film reviewer

As a routine thriller Firewall is barely functional, but as a waste of talent, it’s positively amazing.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Fool! Dost thou not know that creepy children have cursed our screens in numbers too great to count, and by now, we find them marginally less terrifying than navel lint?

writer, editor & film reviewer

Not even Ian McKellan can bring it to life… and when Ian McKellan throws in the towel, you know the difficulties are too large to fix.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Oh come on. Like you couldn’t smell this turkey rotting from miles away.

writer, editor & film reviewer

It's flawless in its flaws, without a single redeeming element to obscure its idealized awfulness.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Whew! That was close: something almost happened there for a minute.

writer, editor & film reviewer

It’s obvious that nobody believed in this project longer than it took for the check to clear.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Rarely has the phrase "going through the motions" felt more fitting.

writer, editor & film reviewer

A tedious, astonishingly irritating march through scene after scene of quasi-Jungian horse flop.

writer, editor & film reviewer

Robbing casinos? Shit, these guys should be in charge of Katrina relief!

writer, editor & film reviewer

God help us, there’s going to be a director’s cut, isn’t there?

writer, editor & film reviewer