Author: Rod Schmidt

If you take a oriental and turn him around so he faces west, does he become disoriented?

I bought a million lottery tickets… I won a dollar.

Ever try to Scotchgard a sponge?

Droughts are because God didn’t pay his water bill.

I washed a sock… then I put it in the dryer and when I took it out, it was gone.

Last week I forgot how to ride a bicycle.

My friend Sam has one leg… I went to his house; I couldn't go up the stairs.

I Xeroxed a mirror and now I have an extra Xerox machine.

I had my coathangers spayed.

I know the guy who writes all those bumper stickers… and he hates New York.

I had amnesia… once or twice.

I went to a fancy French restaurant called “Deja Vu”, and the headwaiter said, “Don’t I know you?”

I went to San Francisco; I found someone's heart.

I Xeroxed my watch… now I have time to spare.

It only rains straight down… God doesn't do windows.

I washed my edible underwear and now they're gone.

Tinsel is really snakes' mirrors.

There aren't enough days in the weekend.

If you write the word "monkey" a million times, do you start to think you're

I took a course in speed waiting… now I can wait an hour in only ten minutes.

I took lessons in bicycle riding, but I could only afford half of them… now I can ride a unicycle.