Keyword: As Edith Bunker in “All In the Family”

Archie Bunker: Here’s something we can see in Disney World. They got an all bear band.
Edith Bunker: They got a naked band at Disney World?

(1923 – 2013) American actress

Mike Stivic: I'm sorry to get you out of bed.

Edith Bunker: Oh that's all right, we was only sleeping.

(1923 – 2013) American actress

V-D Day

(1923 – 2013) American actress

I don’t want you going to jail, Archie… you never could get used to a strange bathroom.

(1923 – 2013) American actress

Gloria: Ma, are you in some kind of trouble?

Edith: No, and I can’t tell you what it is!

(1923 – 2013) American actress

Beverly LaSalle: I’m a female impersonator.

Edith Bunker: Oh, ain’t that smart. Who better to impersonate a female than a woman?

(1923 – 2013) American actress

Homo Sapiens… is he an Arab?

(1923 – 2013) American actress

Gloria: How come you married Daddy instead of (Freddie Witthauser)?
Edith: Well, I liked being called a “Goddess of Beauty”, but somehow it seemed more permanent when your father called me a dingbat.

(1923 – 2013) American actress

Archie: … Dragging me off to a moving picture like that, it was absolutely disgusting!

Edith: Well, I’m sorry, Archie. How was I to know? I thought it was a religious picture: Cardinal Knowledge.

(1923 – 2013) American actress

Archie Bunker: I know all about your woman’s troubles there, Edith, but when I had the hernia that time, I didn’t make you wear the truss. If you’re gonna have the change of life, you gotta do it right now. I’m gonna give you just 30 seconds. Now c’mon and change.

Edith Bunker: Can I finish my soup first?

(1923 – 2013) American actress

Beverly LaSalle: I'm a transvestite.

Edith Bunker: Could've fooled me; you ain't even got no accent.

(1923 – 2013) American actress

You know what they say, misery is the best company.

(1923 – 2013) American actress