Keyword: Committees (Page 2)

A decision is what a man makes when he can’t get anyone to serve on a committee.

(1911 – 1993) columnist & novelist

There are four things that hold back human progress – ignorance, stupidity, committees and accountants.

(1797 – 1875) American accountant

Any committee that is the slightest use is composed of people who are too busy to want to sit on it for a second longer than they have to.

(1928 – ) British journalist, writer & columnist

I've searched all the parks in all the cities and found no statues of committees.

(1874 – 1936) English author & mystery novelist

A committee of three gets things done if two don’t show up.

There is a tendency for the person in the most powerful position in an organization to spend all his time serving on committees and signing letters.

An original idea can never emerge from committee in the original.

A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas are lured and then quietly strangled.

British clerk of the House of Commons

All committee reports conclude that “it is not prudent to change the policy (or procedure, or organization, or whatever) at this time.”

If Columbus had had an advisory committee he would probably still be at the dock.

(1908 – 1990) American statesman, jurist & attorney