Keyword: Egotism

Our ego is our silent partner – too often with a controlling interest.

(1923 – ) American quote & quip writer

I have given up reading books; I find it takes my mind off myself.

(1906 – 1972) pianist, composer, author, comedian & actor

Jolson's ego was so big he could have given the Lord himself an inferiority complex.

(1896 – 1996) comedian, actor & entertainer

Talk to a man about himself and he will listen for hours.

(1804 – 1881) British prime minister, politician & author

When science finally locates the center of the universe, some people will be surprised to learn they’re not it.

(1916 – 1996) American comic book artist

He’s the type of man who will end up dying in his own arms.

(1931 – ) American actress & singer

The last time I saw him he was walking down Lover’s Lane holding his own hand.

(1894 – 1956) American radio comedian

He thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.

I don't watch television, I think it destroys the art of talking about oneself.

(1957 – ) English actor, writer, journalist, comedian & film director

Egotism: An anesthetic that nature gives to a man to deaden the pain of being a darn fool.

Bryant Gumbel’s ego has applied for statehood…. and if it’s accepted, it will be the fifth-largest.

(1934 – ) American TV personality

When someone sings his own praises, he always gets the tune too high.

(1949 – ) English nurse

Egotism: Usually a case of mistaken nonentity.

(1907 – 1990) American actress

Egotism: Doing the New York Times crossword puzzle with a pen.

(1842 – 1914) author & satirist

I have often wished I had time to cultivate modesty… but I am too busy thinking about myself.

(1887 – 1964) English biographer, critic, novelist & poet

There are two sides to every question: my side and the wrong side.

(1906 – 1972) pianist, composer, author, comedian & actor

There but for the grace of God, goes God.

(1874 – 1965) British prime minister, politician, statesman & orator

Well at least he has finally found his true love… what a pity he can’t marry himself.

(1915 – 1998) American singer & actor